December 22, 2024
Capital Markets allocation in India family savings
From 2% to 7% and projected to be 13% by 2030.
The Nifty closed lower by > 4% this week with global markets also down as the Fed indicated lower rate cuts going forward.
We see this event as a marginal positive signalling better days for the US economy.
The next 1-3 months promise to be fairly uncharted territory with a) The actions Trump takes on protectionist policies and nations including India, b) Escalating global tensions in the run up to the final days of the Biden presidency.
The INR has moved down to < 85 levels.
Last week we had cautioned on the market levels and as per our understanding 22,500-23,000 levels remain very crucial, a breakdown of which could lead down to potentially < 21k levels led by domino effect of margin trading calls and personal loan repayments.
We would like to see this situation as the glass half full and an opportunity (if it happens) to participate back in the India growth story. Keep your war chests ready to deploy over the next 3 months at every fall below current levels (At the risk of repetition please ensure your horizon of the money is at least 3 years and more and redeem funds needed for any goals < 12 months immediately if they are in equities).
A very interesting tax ruling by the tribunal that classified Bitcoins as a long term capital asset (Raunaq Prakash Jain Vs ITO – Article below in the reads section) .
I write in the Mint about how platforms like Goalteller which consolidate your investments are essential to a successful financial life
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